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Keywords: Romance, Love, Self-Confidence, Regeneration, Vitality, Order


Spiritual and Psychic Properties

Garnet is a protective energy stone which is especially known for protection from evil,  during travel, nightmares, and from wounds. Garnet has been used to release bad karma, which can be considered a form of protection in this life. Garnet is said to be a stone of protecting against and success with lawsuits.

As a root chakra stone, garnet said to be excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one's dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Square cut garnets are reputed to be especially good tools for business success. All garnets are used to assist on an energetic level with success in one's career in part by building one's self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. It can also make clear what is one's life purpose.

Garnet is used to access ancient memories. This makes it a preferred tool for past life regression.

Mental and Emotional Properties

Emotionally, considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope, and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression. Garnet is also used to overcome crisis and trauma. It is used to bring one away from a sense of helplessness or victimization and imparting courage. It is used to assist in diminishing or eliminating abandonment issues. One of the ways said to bring these about is releasing old ideas and perceptions of self and others which allows one to see them as they are, rather than through a filter of fear.  Thus it  can reduce or eliminate conscious or unconscious self-sabotage. It is said to enhance emotions in a positive way, and also be quite calming.

Garnet is considered a stone that helps one realize and enjoy the pleasures of earthly incarnation.This includes enhancing sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy in a balanced fashion. As such, garnet is a stone of love and passion.

Garnet has been used a great deal for gentle spiritual healing, and is used to enhance intuition in this manner. It discourages disorganized growth, and brings inner strength. 

Physical Conditions Properties

Garnet is sometimes called a "stone of health" and crystal healing specialists say that garnet can assist in healing acid reflux (GERD), adrenal glancs, ADD/ADHD, anemia and other blood related illness, assimilate vitamins and minerals, bone, brain and brain tumors, cell structure, Down's syndrome, DNA/RNA corrections, fertility, heart, immune system, lungs, physical strength, pituitary, reproductive system, skin, spine, as well as promoting rapid general healing and regeneration. 


Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with the heart chakra.  It is used to balance, purify, align and remove negative energy from all the chakras and aura. Various types of garnets have their own properties in addition to those of garnet in general and may be related other chakras as well. Garnet is used to encourage movement of the kundalini is an orderly fashion.

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based on researched information, but is not RX or healthcare info. 
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